Contributions to the Peter Wallenberg Water for All Foundation are welcome and appreciated and will solely go to the funding of projects that provide people in need with clean drinking water.

Water provides a more secure life

South Sudan has about 7 million people (two thirds (2/3) of the population) in critical condition, including 4 million refugees, divided equally between internal refugees (of which 85% are women and children) and immigrants from neighboring countries.

In 2019 Water for All supported the construction of a borehole in the Nabaka village, giving 2 500 people access to safe and clean water. In 2020 the intervention moved to the rural area of Lalama, providing 2 350 people with access to clean water.

The project has been realized with the help of the most vulnerable people of the community, through the cash/food for work model. This approach promotes workers’ ownership, involving a high number of people coming from diverse backgrounds and social classes, allowing for a rural activity to become an activity of food safety.

The main project objective was the construction of four new latrines at a secondary girls school, targeting around 150 pupils, including training in the importance of personal hygiene.

Additional activities include:

  • Sensitization activities on good and hygiene for communities through radio programs
  • Tanks, soap, buckets and mosquito nets for 250 families
  • A fish pond installation; tank with drain system and filters for cleaning water, filled with approx. 150 fish
  • Rehabilitation of two surface wells (Hai Gabat and Hai Tarawa), providing more than 12 000 people with clean water
  • Training of 45 “Safe Water Champions” to help promote the habit of good hygiene practices