Contributions to the Peter Wallenberg Water for All Foundation are welcome and appreciated and will solely go to the funding of projects that provide people in need with clean drinking water.
Contributions to the Peter Wallenberg Water for All Foundation are welcome and appreciated and will solely go to the funding of projects that provide people in need with clean drinking water.
When a village gets a well, it changes the lives of the women. The hours previ- ously spent fetching water can now be used instead to create a better life for their families and themselves.
Agnes in Sakhama Village was annoyed that water from the new pump ran towards her house. But then she had an idea. She could use this runoff to grow vegetables. So she started to grow onions which she sold to her neighbours. She could even sell the onion tops.
“It is cheaper to buy onion leaves for spicing,” she explains.
In Chilingulo Village, there is a group of some 30 women who make energy-saving stoves. Such a stove consumes only half as much wood as a traditional African stove. With the water nearby, the group now produces around 400 stoves every month and sell. The stoves save on work and also help preserve the trees in the area.
In Golden Village, the women have formed a group to breed and sell chickens. All the women in the group have daughters that go to secondary school. They use their earnings to cover the cost of schooling for their daughters. The money from two chick- ens cover the cost for a girl for an entire term. There are three terms in a school year.
The Peter Wallenberg Wash Project has had the goal of changing living conditions in three areas: better access to clean water, better health and better levels of hygiene.
In March 2022, the global network of Water for All organizations joined forces with the Peter Wallenberg Water for All Foundation to support Ukraine. Water for All organizations in more than 20 countries in Europe, Asia, and North America came together, either donating from existing funds or through dedicated fundraisers at the local level.
Water for All Zambia managed the drilling of a well and installation of a solar water pump to transport water from the well to the Twali community school.
In an unprecedented global cooperation, 12 Water for All organizations on four continents have come together to support a large-scale intervention in the Pader District in Northern Uganda.
South Sudan has about 7 million people (two thirds (2/3) of the population) in critical condition, including 4 million refugees, divided equally between internal refugees (of which 85% are women and children) and immigrants from neighboring countries.